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ChatGPT into Real-Time Internet Browsing

A spearheading revolutionary move in artificial intelligence, OpenAI has propelled its widely acclaimed ChatGPT into a new era of real-time internet browsing. 

Breaking free from the shackles of a time-bound dataset that limited its knowledge to September 2021, ChatGPT has embarked on a transformative journey, now equipped to access and comprehend information unfolding in the present moment. This pivotal development was heralded through an official announcement on OpenAI’s X platform, signifying a monumental milestone in AI-driven conversational agents.

The introduction of real-time internet browsing capabilities marks a significant evolution for ChatGPT. Previously, users encountered limitations when seeking current information beyond existing data sets. The recurrent response of “I can’t browse the internet in real time” has now been rendered obsolete, paving the way for expansive, up-to-date knowledge at users’ fingertips.


5G Technology: Shaping the Future of Mobile App Development and Connectivity

In an age marked by continuous technological advancements, the limelight illuminates the profound impact of 5G technology’s transformative capabilities. The clamour surrounding its emergence isn’t merely a fleeting fascination; it’s a symphony of opportunities resonating across industries, businesses, and the broader spectrum of human connectivity.

The Rise of 5G

The exponential growth projections for 5G technology seem less like predictions and more like an inevitable reality. Market analyses forecast an extraordinary journey, from substantial revenue estimates to a staggering pinnacle by 2033. It goes beyond raw statistics; it symbolises the shift that this evolution sets in motion.

According to recent market projections, the global 5G industry will exhibit an impressive Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 48.3%. By 2023, market revenue could reach a substantial value of US$ 19.3 billion, with further growth anticipated to skyrocket to an exceptional US$ 994.8 billion by 2033. [Source: Future Market Insights]


Understanding Code Profiling in Software Development

Code profiling stands as a cornerstone in modern software development, providing developers with invaluable insights into their code’s behaviour and performance

This process involves collecting and analysing data during program execution, allowing for the identification of bottlenecks and areas for optimisation.

What is Profiling?

At its core, profiling entails the meticulous analysis and recording of information pertaining to a specific phenomenon. In the realm of app and website development, this translates to gathering data on a program’s execution, resource usage, and performance characteristics.

Diverse Profiling Collection Techniques

Statistical Profiling: This method intermittently interrupts program execution to record the call stack, offering a rough estimation of where the program expends its time.


Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Simplifying User Experience

In an era where speed and efficiency are paramount, catering to the needs of smartphone users has become a top priority for businesses. However, many users hesitate to download apps due to concerns about storage space. Google revealed that half of smartphone users mostly use a brand’s mobile site instead of downloading an app. This dilemma has led to the rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), offering a unique solution that bridges the gap between standard websites and native applications.

What is a PWA?

Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs, are web applications that provide a seamless and app-like user experience. Build on standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, much like traditional websites. However, PWAs eliminate the browser interface and borders, giving users a more immersive and native app-like feel.

How is it Different from a Native App?

One of the primary distinctions between PWAs and native apps lies in their installation process. Native apps are downloaded and installed directly on a user’s device from the app store.


Transforming Business Growth: The Power of AI Chat Assistance

In the swiftly changing landscape of contemporary business, keeping pace with innovation is paramount. One of the most transformative advancements reshaping customer interactions and operational efficiency is AI chat assistance. This dynamic tool harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to elevate customer service, streamline operations, and propel business expansion.

By 2025, the chatbot market is set to skyrocket to 1.25 billion USD, a monumental leap from 190.8 million in 2016, as per Statista. This growth highlights the increasing importance of chatbots in modern business interactions.

Unearthing the Potential: AI Chat Assistance and Business Evolution

In a world driven by technological progress, businesses with cutting-edge solutions thrive. Among these innovations,
