React JS allows pages to be easily split into smaller components which our developers can use in different parts of the website. Breaking down an application into individual modules will be good from the development perspective.
Our developers focus on designing better architecture that will be highly tolerant to accept the changes in business requirement as well as allow our developers to collaborate. This result in less development time. Unlike Angular JS, React JS implements one-way binding hence the flow of data can be redirected only in the single direction which makes it clear when and where data was changed.
Our developers use the React-Native framework to develop native apps. React has a highly functional approach of constructing user Interface in which the application UI is expressed in the form of a function of the current application state. The application built using React Native can access features like user location, phone camera for smooth user experience.
We have largely excelled in delivering up-gradation and update services upon the React.
Our front-end experts are industry jewels who have extensively taken up the migrations pursuits as well in this regard so as to emerge as the most celebrated firm in availing all-inclusive services.
It all depends on the context of your project and what you want to achieve from the tool. We use Enzyme a JavaScript testing tool to test React components output. The enzyme, when combined with Mocha, is the best combination to test web applications written in ReactJS.
After the development and delivery of a successful website we also excel at proper support and maintenance of the web application. This includes updating existing websites, constant technical support, and incorporation of the latest trends for improving the user experience.
Our support and maintenance service provides timely support and value-driven maintenance services irrespective of the complexity of the issue to help the client achieve business goals.
Our developers leverage ReactJS to develop large scale web apps to handle data updates without the need of reloading page. The focus of our ReactJS developers is to develop applications that have good speed, simple and highly scalable. Developers use declarative views to make code easy to read and debug.
We love building business solutions for brilliant partners
Strict adherence to professional work ethics, hands-on experience with cutting edge technologies and on-time delivery attitude has enabled us to work with some of the most renowned enterprises in the world.
We embark on the project-schedulings with a comprehensive strategy build upon focussing rapid application development. Strategists are deployed primary so as to device the strategy after in-depth assimilation of the client's and the business focal requirements.
Wireframing forms the integral part of our religious design phase for the early assimilation of the usability aspects at the start of the design conceptualisation enabling easy user-flow and experience. World-renowned design team up for the visually appealing and engaging applications.
Singsys takes an agile approach with its solution building and development cycles. Gauging equitable expertise upon development, we focus upon quality deliverables built upon the comprehensive series cycle.
Drawing over a decade’s experience in rewarding application development and quality testing services, Singsys has conceptualized a strategic in-house testing and quality-assurance approach.
From conceptualisation to launching, we cover it all! We avail end-to end deployment of the applications for the end-usability.
React Portfolio
Singsys is frontend development company and provides outsource frontend development services, consulting, maintenance and support services. Get theming Services, Headless Frontend Development & UI Design Service.
Why Singsys
We, at Singsys, are taking a leap forward towards ‘digital evolution’! Engagements with the multi-faceted business frontiers have mapped our expertise in acing world-renowned web and mobile applications for universal enterprises.
We are the forerunners in availing in exclusive digital solutions, accentuating applications that are a blend of next-generation global technology paradigms.

Rewarding Front-end Technology Service Providers in Singapore
React JS, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. We offer flexible and robust business-specific ReactJS solutions as per client requirements for the business of all sizes and industries.

Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) is the key feature that enables React JS to build scalable and fast applications.
UI Featuring

JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It is a syntax extension that describes how the web or mobile app UI should look like.
One Way Data Binding

React JS follows one-way data binding or unidirectional data flow that gives better control throughout the application.

React uses one-way data binding with an application architecture called Flux controls. ReactJS helps us update the View for the user and, with Flux, can control the application workflow.

Many companies can do website and app development but the after sales support of a development partner is perhaps more important as there is bound to be bugs and improvements to be made. Singsys has provided fantastic support in uncovering and resolving the issues that came up post-development. There was once which an urgent issue was resolved within 5 hours. Thank you Singsys for the excellent support!
William Ng
uParcel - your easiest way to deliver
We've finally found a trustworthy partner! We worked with Singsys to make improvements to our first consumer app and it was a real pleasure. Not only were they prompt and responsive, they even delivered before the deadline with almost no glitches. Since we've launched our app to market, the response has been great with no negative feedbacks. I look forward to working closely with Singsys for all our future projects.
Mark Tan
CEO - Way Fengshui Group
We have been working with Singsys since 2011. Firstly they have developed the ipad application listing over 6000 of our products. The second project was the e-commerce website. The website is already very stable but we still keep improving and upgrading to serve our customers better. Singsys team is helping to achieve the perfection.
Lidia Kaminska
The Oaks Cellars Pte Ltd
The professional response, commitment and work accomplishment as per the given timeline, was commendable which was rendered by the entire team of Sing Sys Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Their approach and attitude towards project responsibility impressed us to the extent that we want to partner with them again for our future endeavours assignments of similar nature.
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Srivastava
Senior Scientist - ENVIS-National Botanical Research Institute
Over the long and protracted period of time (5.5 years) that I have worked with Singsys they have made an excellent contribution to the development of Kritique an touch screen enhanced assessment application.Singsys have proven to be professional approachable and willing to go that extra distance to provide a first class service. I have no hesitation in whole-heartedly recommending Singsys to both small and large businesses and can assure you of attention which is both personalised and welcoming. Singsys staff are proficient and accommodating delivering high quality product.
Tom Browne
(PhD), Inventor of KritiqueLet's Connect!
Together, we'll scale milestones for your next business idea.