Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design

3 minutes read

Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design

Website is the face of your business. If the design of your website is not up to the latest web standards then probably you will not get success in terms of business, traffic and leads.


Design, images, colors, layout and fonts you are using in your website has a major impact on the failure and success of your business. If the navigation structure of your website is user friendly, then people will stay on your website for longer and chances are that visits will be converted to conversion. By following these web design tips you can improve the design of your web page.


1. Have a clear and professional logo that clearly describe your business and link it to the home page of the website. Logo should be unique and interesting.


2. While making changes in font style and font color, apply it globally throughout the website by using the wildcard CSS rule.


3. If you have problem in resizing your video responsively in HTML5, then use FitVids (http://fitvidsjs.com/) for video embedding.


4. Web page speed is the most important factor that is often overlooked by web designers and developers. If the load time of the web page is very high then it leaves negative impact on your business and increases the bounce rate of your website. Make it a habit to optimize your webpage at the development stage.


5. Place social sharing buttons on the best location of your website that will help in promoting your business products and services organically.


6. Keep your website navigation structure smooth and easy for users. Do not confuse your visitors with links to each and every page.


7. Typography is the most important aspect of web design. Keep your font size readable. If the content on your website is hard enough to read then increase the font size of your content today.


8. Know your users and define your website objectives clearly. By defining the objective of your business website, you can easily prioritize your end user needs.


9. Do not miss the opportunity to use Call to Action buttons wherever applicable. Call to Action button such as ‘Buy Now’, ‘Sign Up’ should be placed above the fold content of the webpage. Above the fold means without scrolling.


10. Do not use so many large banners and ads on the web page. The design of your webpage should not be over promotional or looks like spam.


You can also hire a professional web designer or search for a web design company to help you design your website by following the latest web standards and increase your business ROI.


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