Singsys blog: PHP

Best Five Databases to Use with PHP

PHP Databases

PHP based web applications are totally secure due to PHP being an encrypted language. These web applications developed on PHP require minimal manual intervention as they are capable of auto refresh. The flexibility and scalability of PHP make it an ideal platform for cross-platform web applications development that is truly interactive and equally intuitive with smooth execution.



Modern PHP Development The Right Way


PHP is one of the few server-side scripting languages that have evolved rapidly on account of being the preferred platform for web development. Unlike previous versions, It now contains all the components for being an absolutely robust language be it flexibility or dynamic architecture. Interestingly the latest PHP version completely supports the OOP concept. A bunch of best practices for development of modern PHP applications will really help you leveraging this popular platform for web application development. On behalf of my experience, I would recommend following practices to be included in your PHP development.


qMaster the Art of PHP Code with Expert Tips


PHP due to its ability to integrate superior features into web application is globally most popular languages among developer community for web app development. However, coding in PHP might me tricky task for few of us. You can follow a few great tips to help you code in PHP with ease.


Most Suitable Data Structures for PHP 7

data structure PHP7

Data structure is simple logical representation and organization of data inside the main memory. These are used to organize data in a way that the insertion,searching and deletion is performed with minimum complexity at the same time ensuring efficient computing performance.


How to Increase Valentine’s Day Sales With Your E-commerce Store?

plugins and modules

Valentine’s Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Valentine,is a celebration observed on 14th February every year. Many people exchange Greeting cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine”. It is a festival of romantic love and many people give letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or partner.
