Facebook Launches New Places Directory

2 minutes read

New Places Directory


Facebook has launched the Places Directory which is like a local business search directory.


The New Places Directory will allow you to discover great places in different cities across the world. You can search for restaurants, hotels, bars, cafes, public attractions, Gym, Movie theatres and much more.


The search results are ranked based on user ratings and show comments from friends and others in your Facebook network. It mixes up the graph search, Page Locations API and other elements of the Facebook platform to provide you the local search result.


It was like standalone places app of Facebook. You can also filter the search results by social criteria and save search listings to a personalized directory. Places which are listed on category pages feature information such as photo selected by users, name, phone number, address, hours, average price, reviews, average ratings and, if applicable, comments from friends.


The new places directory also displays the recent reviews of any particular place.





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