Singsys blog: CSS

W3C Announces HTML5 Standard Complete

W3C Announces HTML5 Standard Complete

After a long stay in draft stage, HTML5 has reached the official Recommendation stage, meaning the W3C finally completed it as an official standard, even as the most of the features are already implemented by the browser. HTML is mainly developed by WHATWG group (


Online Tools for Testing Code Snippets

Every developer wants to check their code before it goes live. For this purpose we have collected the list of some best online tools to help programmers for testing, debugging and sharing their code snippets.

1.  Google Codes Playground

Google Codes Playground


Essential Tools for Professional Coders and Developers

Below is the collection of 10 essential third party tools for professional coders and developers that make their work easier and quicker during the development process of an application.


1.   Shortcut Mapper

Shortcut Mapper




Best HTML Website Templates for Web Developers

Below is the list of some free and best HTML website templates consisting of either a single page or avcollection of webpages where you can easily customize images and content as per your project needs.


1. Affinity




It features a modern blog-style design, warm color scheme, and an easily replaceable banner.



Best jQuery Plugins for Website Portfolio

We have a list of best jQuery Plugins for Websites Portfolio that will help developers and designers to create impressive and attractive portfolio for personal and commercial websites.


1.  jGallery


