Singsys blog: PHP

10 PHP Frameworks for developers to help build challenging web apps

1.  Symfony


Symfony is a PHP framework for web projects. It allow web developers to build complex web applications easily.  This framework facilitates long-term maintenance and scalability by complying with standard development rules.


Github releases a text-editor, Atom for web developers

Atom for web developers


Image: Atom


Github has launched Atom, a text editor for developers which is now available as part of an invite-only beta program.



5 Best Free WordPress Themes for Bloggers

1. Flozo



Best WordPress Plugins to Boost your Website Traffic

WP Plugins for SEOThere are many WordPress plugins available on the internet that helps in improving your web traffic and boost your social media presence. You can use hundreds of WordPress plugins to extend the ability and features of WordPress.


Let’s discuss some best WordPress plugins widely used by business owners and web master to increase their web traffic which will ultimately increase their business sale.


How to Set-up Magento Google Analytics

Magento Google Analytics


Google Analytics is a free Google service which allows web masters and business owners to monitor traffic, track page views and sales conversions. Google Analytics provides detailed statistics about the web traffic and is the most popular and best website traffic tracking tool used by website owners.
Magento is one the most popular Ecommerce platforms for building a stunning e-commerce website. It is widely used by developers in e-commerce web development. We can set up Magento Google Analytics to gain insights into which page of our ecommerce website gets maximum views, less traffic and many more traffic analysis features.

